Gary Urbanowicz, Executive Director of the New York City Fire Museum, sent me a message saying he will be doing a virtual (Zoom) program for the Fireman's Hall Museum in Philadelphia. He's going to be giving a talk about the history of the New York Fire Museum -- which I personally am kinda interested in listening to -- and that got me thinking . . .
How many fire museums are creating - looking to create - online virtual programing. I've got several presentations that I have done over the years that have been seen here in Aurora, but there generic enough they could easily be shared with a wider audience. I'd be willing to volunteer my time to any museum interested - in hopes that maybe we organize a collaboration/consortium of museums/museum programing - that we can share virtual programing among ourselves.
I wonder, is anyone charging for their programing? Is anyone making it "members only" - for free/open programs I'd propose simply sharing the Zoom link with all of us. For "paid" or "members only" content then maybe museums work out an exchange or an I'll-share mine, if you share yours kinda exchange.
Please let me know your thoughts. . . . What programing expertise you might have to offer other museums, and also if anyone is interest in my doing a program, let me know. The presentations that I've got saved "in-the-can" are:
• The Great Chicago fire of 1871
• Horses in the Fire Service
• Zouaves and Firefighters in the Civil War
• Circus Fires and Disasters
- David
David Lewis